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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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mohamed morsy supporters clashed with his opponents near the presidential palace where both sides have called. the country's finance minister warns an already angry public. and israel refuses to comply with u.n. . nuclear. proliferation treaty calling the general assembly vote void. around the world on screen online international news and comment live from moscow
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we start in egypt where the standoff between mohammed morsi and the opposition has caused new outbreaks of violence supporters of the country's leader have reportedly clashed with his opponents near the presidential palace where both parties are planned demonstrations the muslim brotherhood is running morsy supporters in response to an opposition march which attracted tens of thousands on tuesday night . in the streets outside the presidential palace it's become a battleground between pro and anti mohammed morsi protesters we were there last night an enormous crowd made up of the more liberal elements that the opposition elements in society gathered to demand that varying things in between him leaving his office completely or at the very least rescinding those extra powers that he gave himself over a week ago that caused this whole feel or in the first place the police fired
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a few rounds of tear gas but once the crowd set about wrenching aside the barbed wire barricades the police really fell back and didn't do very much to stop them and they swarmed around the palace search chanting there also seemed to be some pain to case and the police and security forces were going quite lightly on the protesters a few people went so far as to suggest perhaps that they were happy hops a little sympathetic to the protesters but one soldier for example stood on top of his armored vehicle and raised the egyptian flag from inside the compound which garnered a huge cheer from the crowd however today those things do seem to have turned nasty initial reports have now been an escalating of fighting between the bit with sticks between the muslim brotherhood and pro morsi supporters on one side and those on the other side. anti morsy also
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a hail of stones flying outside the presidential palace a very tense situation there people already having been wounded. the longer the deadlock between president and opposition in egypt goes on the greater the danger things could spiral out of control that is no where you think the standoff might actually lead by taking part in our poll dot com here's how the vote looks so far a third of those who have had their say believe the egyptian leader will cancel his new korean order to stay in office just over a quarter think the new wave of anti-government protests will result in further instability leading to a libya style war slightly less say the current situation will lead to the military and next president mubarak's clique coming back to power and we can also see that less than fifteen percent are convinced morsi is resignation and new elections are inevitable let us know what you think it r.t. dot com. britain is facing at least five more years of
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a sturdy the country's finance minister says there's no miracle cure for the country's economy the highly anticipated autumn statement by george osborne brought little relief for a public already angered by government cuts are the sort of first reports from london. well everyone now madly picking their way through the the facts and figures and wow was there a lot of. one thing it was very very clear and that's that the u.k. is set to face even more austerity you know what those figures showed us was that the u.k. economy is going to shrink by nor point one percent by his twenty twelve now it sounds like a small amount but of course no sign of that all important in fact what we see is that borrowing has sort of saying that the debt has risen and fallen and most crucially i think is probably the fact is the government have missed the reduction target so we're now facing an extended austerity program is going to take us right away three twenty eighteen safe pretty gloomy outlook and look this is what we were
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expecting but of course that's going to really not be what millions of families all across the again to one thing here and of course this is really going to affect them and real turns now to speak to us more about this autumn statement by the chancellor today i'm joined by a labor m.p. and the public i say public health minister thank you for joining us so the british economy is slowly healing according to chancellor george osborne what was your reaction to that well i thought that was a very silly statement the truth is every prophecy every target. he has he has not met his targets he is not going to deal with the deficit as he said the road growth we grow and also there's going to be a huge cart made in benefits pavement to some of the poorest people in the conclave
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are going to suffer the most i was resolved to go. and there's no end to this will start now i want to talk to you about that because we saw that just one percent for the benefit of the welfare bill and that's less than inflation you know that's really going to hit a huge. number of books forty seven billion pounds. and we're talking about farmers is a really on the bread line anyway even losing ten twenty pounds is a big hit i mean it's a very cold outside and it's a very cold prospect for britain's poor because they are going to bear the brunt of the start of course by christmas by also doesn't know what he's doing thank you very much for joining us also say there's a lot of course the concern as he said them on picking through the thing is one thing cutting through all the waste and that's the case is going to have to pray so even talk. even more. well that with more from the u.k.
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ahead for you with a look at how london's mayor voiced what many brits have been thinking boris johnson urge the government to hold a referendum on membership in the last one simple question do you want in. class china's rulers are planning an image revamp amid growing criticism of the government's extravagant lifestyle. the story still to come this hour but first the u.s. is preparing to send patriot missiles to turkey after nato approved the plan to defend itself against potential missile attacks from inside syria and america is also pressurizing iraq to search syria planes for weapons even demanding it grounds passing jets but baghdad isn't enthusiastic about this is important reports. as the syrian government struggles to stay in power fighting against rebels backed by the west america is also attempting to suffocate the alleged weapons flying into damascus washington accuses iran of being the key arms supplier to assad forces and
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to stop the transfer the u.s. is now reportedly demanding that baghdad inspect planes flying from iran over its airspace into syria and the american government for sure. any other country this is just more. amazing thing. saying that they can control flights over countries in force. forcing everybody. by doing so the u.s. has created something of a paradox forcing iraq to prevent iran from dealing with syria by bringing up this issue of so-called weapons applauds it's just another way to pressure the baghdad regime united states feel that it's not invested blood and treasure in terms of overthrowing saddam hussein that it has the right if not the obligation to move in order the internal affairs of the baghdad regime obviously. objects to this kind of
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approach and i daresay that the iraqi people object to that approach as well under u.s. officials have complained that baghdad is not doing enough to cooperate with washington's demands since september iraq has only managed to allegedly inspect two iranian planes baghdad does not have an air force and grounding planes is proving too costly as they must be refueled after each check recently iraq made it clear that it is not willing to march to the beat of america's drum in an interview with the new york times iraq's minister of transportation said quote we are an independent country and our stance is clear we will search whichever plane. we want whenever we want we will not take orders i think they're expecting one else to take our most countries doing. sanctions on the american government so.
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the iraq don't feel the same water. nearly one decade after saddam hussein was ousted by the u.s. led invasion into iraq washington is pressuring a new cover of the very same country to help move the leader of a different as america continue supporting syria's opposition in part by police in iran iraq for so it's a march in lockstep with orders has created something of a middle east lying all the white house may not be able to navigate. not artsy. turkish troops and helicopters of poland of the kurdish area near the border with syria killing thirteen suspected militants the crisis in syria is being seen as a chance for kurdish aspirations for independence and statehood and whether the turks are actually shooting themselves in the foot by supporting the syrian uprising that's a subject up for debate in the laces edition of crosstalk that's coming up later today more news for me after a short break. this
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is day starts at five am earlier in the winter tending to his flock of three hundred sheep in the mountains and pains of t.v. thirty five years old it wasn't the life he having studied accounting but he dition and familiar dictated that he would take on the care of these animals after his father. he just made camp there winter founded setting up his ute the traditional two fenian round tent made of diskin. back amongst his family and his job is a lonely one and tough going out in all weathers braving streams of plus to minus forty degrees celsius it's just that i just don't there are certain difficulties there's not enough time for everything i'm almost alone my sister works with my mother my mother is seventy five she's very old and i miss mountains when i'm in town and i spend
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a lot of time here probably most of us simply carrying out the work that his father did and his father before him nothing has changed over many many centuries and that's half the problem it's hard work and many people don't want to come into the industry now and it's really fit there could die out altogether. it's difficult to manage everything alone i used to have people who helped me but they were no good they didn't take care of the sheep with all their heart they hurt the cats or dogs. with more people leaving than coming to the countryside the region's government is having to act making the life of the herd in my tractor if they're promising largest subsidies for produce and livestock and organizing cooperatives for the sale of day products to ensure the herd it gets a high at fair price i sympathize with those youngsters leaving for an easier more profitable life day in their publics capital. but he no longer wishes to join them he enjoys his pastoral way of life now looking for
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a helper who shares his enthusiasm with more time on his hands he says matter of fact you can start to look for a new life. if you just joined us for a warm welcome or to live here in moscow china's new government is ready for a full make over promising to revamp its image for decadence and crackdown on corruption so it's out with huge entourages and banquets in the red carpets will be rolled up and stored the aim is to save money and prevent any more of the recent high level political scandals but to chen gang from the national university of singapore believes it's all due to pressure. of course a new leadership on a stance. calling desponding all those faced a big problem in its crisis which means actually already
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ruled it out among the social media has cost them more and more dollars on the corruptive lavish lifestyle. communist party congress we also win is. a serious reports five international media talking about. scandals and the corrupt you be a.v.o.'s relate it to the communist party. officials so i think b.c. it's a kind of also i'm not response to the international critics of. ari and also you don't call russia's animal protection agency targets a saudi prince charles passion for red birds allegedly pushed him into breaking smuggling norms to claim his friend the price. also online the creepy crawly he became the first iraq and to make it into space then he had
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a few days to join his fame after touching down on a. american on the months the u.k. to significantly reduce his ties with the e.u. calling for an in or out referendum on membership and influential boris johnson called the single currency euro zone a calamitous project and it is from an old says the man has struck a chord with the british people and the majority one tells on the e.u. . according to the opinion polls most people in britain do want the u.k. out of the european union i think the e.u. is a massive burden both in terms of tax amount of money you have to pay to be due each year and of course it's a big burden the trade links will always continue we'll always be buying german
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cars or french wine or french cheese and and we'll be selling to them financial services and other goods that we make in britain so that won't change course what will change is that the money that britain has to hand over to the european union will cease or we can drastically reduce that we don't really need to be run by brussels and needs that you should be you need to the country what to do we are big enough to manage our own affairs. some other international news in brief in our typhoon bopha which is currently battering the philippines has claimed more than two hundred eighty lives tens of thousands fled their homes as the storm rolled across southern and central areas cutting off power into entire provinces rescue teams are working the worst areas but it's clear the number of casualties will rise the storm is expected to move into the self china sea on thursday. served as ambassador to nato. has committed suicide in brussels he leaped to his death from an airport car park eight meters high an unnamed serbian official said he jumped
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while waiting for foreign ministry staff who were due to hold talks with nato officials the fifty two year old envoy leaves behind six sons. in the u.k. two australian deejays pretending to be the queen and prince charles of course the royal rumpus they found the hospital where the president duchess of cambridge is staying and chatted with a nurse about her condition has managed to get a full update creates a condition she thought to be less than twelve weeks pregnant and was admitted to hospital on monday with severe morning sickness. painstaking search for peace in colombia continues with the latest round of negotiations between the government and fog guerrilla rebels the talks come amid the deadliest military raid against insurgents since discussions began in october during an exclusive interview you can see here on r.t. in the next hour a top four official says they want peace but claims they're being forced to fight for it. people who in colombia want to fight for ideas different and then liberal
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ideas are killed so how is it possible to participate in politics if people who have other ideas i killed we have not taken the arms because we want it we have taken the arms because the colombian state and the united states imperialism have a blight compelled us to do. that's a little later today here in r.t. israel has dismissed a un resolution calling on it to open up its nuclear facilities for inspection as a meaningless and mechanical vote the general assembly overwhelmingly back to proposal calling on israel to join the nuclear nonproliferation treaty israel has never officially admitted it possesses atomic weapons or the few delegates fully armed dissolved reports it's a story that has all the ingredients and intrusion of a hollywood blockbuster nuclear smuggling
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a hollywood producer and an israeli prime minister it's a story that here in tel aviv the authorities don't want to talk about but two israeli americans have put pen to paper it's probably be the best kept secret in the world on center stage as are known multan a hollywood producer and israeli undercover agent who is alleged to have smuggled nuclear triggers from the united states into israel a california engineer which would kill smith says he was recruited by most in the early seventy's smith was later convicted in the united states of running an american front company to her. this story first surface to be i files released at the end of last year and in joseph goldman's tell all book confidential this was a very limited operation in fact when the mccann which is the hebrew acronym for find your over the nablus even though thought it was unaware of its existence and only it was basically created behind the back of this with the purity of data from
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earlier this year the f.b.i. released these documents from a seven year investigation which began in one thousand nine hundred five they show how a network of front companies connected to the israeli defense ministry smuggled nuclear triggers out of the united states to israel what's apparent in the documents is that the israeli ministry of defense would place an order for prohibited items with an israeli company called he light trading the light trading is where benjamin netanyahu worked and would meet with richard kelly smith. when he visited israel then they would transfer the order to an organization called milko in california to fulfill the order violating export control act and shipping the traders out of the united states they called it the operation project put into all the allegations are based on smith's testimony and many have been surprised by the detail if you take a look at the documents netanyahu is definitely mentioned in the document and
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that's what surprised us because typically. you get two types of sensors of this type of document sometimes a block off an entire page sometimes i just block off a name in this case netanyahu is name is clearly stated in the documents in the documents it is alleged netanyahu asked the hollywood producer not to discuss the matter publicly in a written response to r.t. these weighty foreign ministry denied all education. on the other side of the story aside from the leaked documents washington too is keeping quiet is reading new capabilities of some of the most guarded secrets the u.s. government holds so most secrets some would argue and information it has about he ran but for the foreseeable future the book on israel's nuclear secrets is closed police here on t.v. israel. breaking news now here naughty in egypt there are increasingly violent
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clashes between supporters and opponents of mohammed morsi receiving reports of demonstrations from petro bombs near the presidential palace where two rival readies are currently taking place walty tomball is joining me now from there from tell him. from the center current told me is on the phone told there were reports of clashes way on one of the situation like. there are if you could really well enough on a story i saw coming to you last. vision it's because as we arrived just a few minutes ago we saw the television the trucks driving away as fast as i could see the crowd with the camera still on top of that for what i could get away from the columns ammonium canal just a short distance away from the presidential palace mosul cocktails flying through the higher live start and one hundred meters away from me it seems from what i can tell i'm still i hear through my homelessness the muslim brotherhood as
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i have swollen hold most the arms the most piece of course is away from the college to keep going through a retreat as it were some of the streets further away from the politics because of the sheer numbers of most of the courses that there are yesterday being an enormous process the ahmed morsi very hard to swallow. the smallest situation referred to earlier today when protests for mama mostly earth that come to see just to find out with them it seems at the moment that they're winning through sheer weight of numbers people around me are chanting hastily smashing up the pavement to try and get whatever a rucksack can sponsor so i can just throw one of our shots no fly has been best on fire. despite his involvement is it any
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indication a told in a solution to this deadlock would be in sight. yes i mean the focus on the saudis the fear that all those guys that have stayed in their respective fight to fight the good guys still have come out on the street talking on a reasonable bright bill they want to try and find a compromise out on the site politically. that it depends in the final and the moment focus a little bit of a process like that like to shoot somebody hard to hear voices of ricci's like that but they do still exist. people want to try and find a way out of this the deadlock has really coalesced into two groups really the judges of egypt and the more liberal groups of society on one side and the
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minorities. need to our constitution to go ahead to have so many it doesn't look like kind of minority rights women's rights and on the other side mostly his muslim brotherhood from islam much groups who want to go as they say to the constitution or egypt but it's of them saying we want the power peacefully we could go for them from what i can see in front of me a lot like tom thanks a lot thanks for the live update there from central cairo. all correspondent tom barton that no doubt more from him as we get to hear more developments there in egypt the fiscal cliff of american politics and just what it bodes for all of us that's up next with lower mr with kind of the account from washington i'll be back with more news in just over half an hour.
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culture is that so much of a different issue a huge musician apparently finding the mark with kurds would seem like a fantasy only two years ago could become a reality very soon but a strong sense of identity and spread across the middle east because. if. russia would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from finest impressions. whose friends don't on t.v. don't come. to the east be july which. means programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks books that will be our piece interviews for
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intriguing stories for you to. see in troy the arabic to find out more visit arabic don't all teeth dot com. you.
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could afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. these your headlines for tuesday december fourth two thousand and twelve the g.o.p. has made a counteroffer to the white house on the fiscal cliff and the endless conversation continues today with president obama giving his first post-election one on one interview here's a snippet i think the issue right away and when will the two of you sit down and around the you know i don't think that the issue right now as you do is sitting in a room. there was plenty of that it throughout the interview but do these twenty four seven deficit debates do you want to undermine perceptions of america and the dollars position in the international monetary system then they do to address the nation's growing debt will discuss uncle sam's exorbitant privilege despite the budget woes and assess the competitive currency landscape plus the dollar fell against other currencies to a six week low this morning according to reuters which cited concerns over a fiscal cliff deal but what does the so-called dollar index really gauge when it
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comes to the greenback true value will break it down and word of the day and paying people to track the comings and goings of private corporate jets in the big woods on them amounts to this. material nonpublic information which is defined as information that the average investor doesn't have this is an insider trading case pretty standard. there is a debate will talk about it and loose change let's get to today's capital account. while physical cliff debate seems to consume the domestic airwaves at all.


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